No more Vista!

About month ago I bought a new laptop, Acer 5520. It came with Vista Home Premium and I've been using it until last weekend I finally had enough. All and all the Vista experience was negative. I had lot's of issues with the wireless connection and usually after resuming from hibernation, Vista was not able to find web site addresses anymore (tweaked a lot with DNS settings but there was no fix). The most serious issues had to do with power management. Sometimes the laptop wouldn't shutdown when powering off or hibernating, only choice was to cut the power by force. Putting the laptop to sleep ended in blue screen of death.


There really wasn't any reason I could think of why I should use Vista instead of XP. Only difference (in my needs) is that Vista looks "better". Other than that there isn't anything new, just more heavier OS. So now I'm using XP and everything works like a charm. I am however tempted to try Linux and after I read an interesting article from lifehacker, I might just do that.

Windows XP drivers for Acer 5520

Run Windows apps seamlessly inside linux


Ronan said...

About seamless virtualization under linux, this LH article is nice, but check also these wiki entries :

Have fun, thanks for your work !